In the twenty-eighth episode of our firm’s video web series, which can be viewed below, firm owner John P. Fishwick, Jr., associate attorney Daniel J. Martin, and firm investigator Isaac Van Patten discuss how the kind of tort (from the Latin tortum, meaning injustice) claims veterans may bring sometimes differ from those brought by members of the general public. For example, if a veteran is subjected to medical malpractice at a VA hospital, the proper party to file a lawsuit against in such a case may be the United States itself. This can only be done through the Federal Tort Claims Act because, under the doctrine of sovereign immunity, one cannot sue a government entity without its express permission, and the Federal Tort Claims Act implicates a host of procedural challenges.
Fishwick & Associates PLC is honored to offer its heartfelt thanks to all veterans for their service to our country.
To keep up with our video web series, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we will regularly post videos discussing our firm, developments of the law, and other areas of interest. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. You can reach us by calling 540-345-5890 or completing our online form.