Our legal team is proud to serve clients in Roanoke and throughout central and southwest Virginia.

Special Announcement: Giving Support Through Charitable Contributions

On Behalf of | Aug 14, 2020 | Miscellaneous

Fishwick & Associates is pleased to announce a new program through which our firm will be contributing to charitable causes, starting with Feeding Southwest Virginia (a member of Feeding America). As discussed in the below video by firm owner John P. Fishwick, Jr. associate attorney Daniel J. Martin, and firm investigator Isaac Van Patten, every time someone in our firm participates in a court hearing or trial, whether in-person or remotely, we will make a charitable contribution over the next twelve months, starting with Feeding Southwest Virginia.

We are very excited to announce this new initiative. If you would like to contribute to or learn more about Feeding Southwest Virginia, please visit their website at https://www.feedingswva.org/. And as always, if you have a legal question related to one of our practice areas, please do not hesitate to contact our office. You can reach us by calling 540-345-5890 or completing our online form.

