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Blog Posts
- 2 common types of brain injuries that can result from a car crash
- 2 personal choices that influence the risk of a pedestrian crash
- 2 times being sick can lead to a wreck
- 3 common head injuries after a car crash
- 3 main kinds of distractions that can cause crashes
- 3 pieces of safety advice you can give your newly-driving teen
- 3 possible causes of a semitruck crash (aside from trucker error)
- 3 safety tips for motorcyclists ready for the warm season
- 3 Steps To Take When A Spouse Faces White-Collar Criminal Charges
- 3 things to know about cervical spinal injuries
- 3 tips to remember during rush hour
- 4 common causes of distracted driving
- A drug doesn't need to be illegal to affect your driving
- A Guide to Injuries and Damages in Virginia Medical Malpractice Cases
- Are parents more dangerous drivers than you thought?
- Arrested for First-Time Possession of Marijuana in Virginia? Know Your Options
- Ask Me Anything About the Constitution
- Assumption of Risk in Virginia
- Automobile Accidents Caused by Uber or Lyft Drivers: Who is Responsible?
- Brain injuries can show up weeks after a crash
- Can I Settle a Misdemeanor Out of Court in Virginia?
- Can you really trust safety tech to help you avoid car accidents?
- Can you sue for punitive damages if you are injured by a drunk driver?
- Children are a distracting hazard in the car
- Considerations in Defending a Drug Charge
- Contributory Negligence in Virginia
- Crash numbers were up in the first half of 2021
- Crashes are a leading cause of spinal cord injuries
- Defensive driving may decrease your odds of an accident
- Denied Coverage After an Accident? Consider a Declaratory Judgment
- Did I just commit mail fraud?
- Distracted driving can claim lives
- Do other people know that they're bad drivers?
- Does My Automobile Insurance Apply to Bicycle Accidents?
- Drivers and pedestrians can act safer to avoid collisions
- Grand Juries in Virginia
- Have Virginia car accidents decreased or risen in recent years?
- Hit by a Drunk Driver in Virginia? You May Be Entitled to Punitive Damages
- How can you prove someone was texting at the wheel?
- How is intent proven in white-collar crime cases?
- How old is too old to drive?
- How to Challenge a Zoning Decision
- How to spot the signs of poor trucking and avoid accidents
- Important facts about drowsy driving
- In Virginia, Commercial Trucks Are Required to Carry More Insurance Coverage
- Introducing Our YouTube Channel
- Is it compulsory to wear a motorcycle helmet in Virginia?
- Is it dangerous to eat and drive?
- Is that car accident settlement offer from the insurer too low?
- Is there a criminal profile of embezzlers?
- Just how dangerous are external distractions while driving?
- Key evidence you need to collect following a car accident
- Liability for Defective Food Products in Virginia
- Mistakes to avoid after a car accident
- My Superlative Case
- Never drive too quickly in the fog
- Outside Counsel for Internal Investigations and Cold Cases
- Pedestrians in a tourist locale need to be extra cautious
- People taking prescriptions or other medication can cause wrecks
- Protecting yourself as a pedestrian in Virginia
- Recent statistics show a rise in Virginia pedestrian fatalities
- Social Media in Personal Injury Cases
- Special Announcement: Giving Support Through Charitable Contributions
- Statutes of Limitations in Virginia
- Teens have the highest fatal accident rates
- The Accommodation Defense in Drug Distribution Cases
- The dangers of using a cell phone while driving
- The Dead Man’s Rule in Virginia
- The Impact of Ruan v. United States on Prescription Drug Cases
- The Importance of UIM Coverage in Virginia
- The problem with car insurance coverage in Virginia
- The risk of settling early in your car accident claim
- Tips for dealing with insurers after a Roanoke car accident
- Trucking’s hard lifestyle can affect more than just truckers
- Using interstate 81 increases the odds of truck crash involvement
- Video Discussion: Marijuana Decriminalization
- Video Discussion: Administrative Hearings
- Video Discussion: Arbitration
- Video Discussion: Bankrupt Defendants
- Video Discussion: Changes to Virginia Law for 2020
- Video Discussion: Cold Cases
- Video Discussion: Courts During COVID-19
- Video Discussion: Criminal Cases
- Video Discussion: Deadlines
- Video Discussion: Depositions
- Video Discussion: Disclosures
- Video Discussion: Experts in Medical Malpractice Cases
- Video Discussion: Federal Criminal Cases
- Video Discussion: Gathering Critical Evidence in the Digital World
- Video Discussion: Legal Research
- Video Discussion: Mediation
- Video Discussion: Our Practice in a Pandemic
- Video Discussion: Qui Tam/False Claims Act
- Video Discussion: Scooter Law
- Video Discussion: Tools of the Trade
- Video Discussion: Treasure Law
- Video Discussion: U.S. Supreme Court
- Video Discussion: Valuing Personal Injury Cases
- Video Discussion: Veterans and the Federal Tort Claims Act
- Video Discussion: Virginia’s New Jury Trial Sentencing Law
- Video Discussion: Zoning Cases
- Virginia drivers are okay in the rain (but nobody’s perfect)
- Virginia’s Hazing Statute Provides Criminal Penalties and Enables Civil Claims
- What are common distractions for semi-truck drivers?
- What are common types of money laundering schemes?
- What are the six types of federal prisons and how do they differ?
- What can enhance your safety as a new motorcyclist out on the road?
- What causes semitruck jackknifing incidents?
- What Does Hazing Mean in Virginia?
- What Does it Mean to Plead No Contest?
- What is a high-side motorcycle accident?
- What motorcyclists should do when they can’t avoid a crash
- What protects you from crashes caused by uninsured drivers?
- What safety features should you prioritize for your teen’s car?
- What to Do If You Were Hit by a Drunk Driver in Virginia
- What victims of car crashes should know about umbrella insurance
- Who is at fault if a car malfunction leads to a wreck?
- Who is at risk of committing white-collar crime?
- Who will cover your costs after a drunk driver causes a crash?
- Who would have thought? Bugs are a major driving distraction
- Why are fatal wrong-way crashes increasing in Virginia?
- Why are vehicle infotainment systems so dangerous?
- Why do pedestrian-car accidents happen?
- Why do successful people decide to commit white-collar crimes?
- Why driving too slowly can be dangerous
- Why improper loading of semi-trucks is so dangerous
- Will car insurance be enough after a crash in Virginia?
- Wills and Undue Influence
- Wrongful Death Actions Versus Survival Actions in Virginia
- You can navigate the Blue Ridge Parkway safely – if you’re careful